DataViz in R | 04. Bar Chart Multiple Responses - Likert PlotMore advance bar chart, or diverging stacked bar chart, or some kind of likert plot.May 1, 2023ggplot
DataViz in R | 03B. Bar Chart Multiple Responses and QuestionsPlaying with EVS data in previous postApr 29, 2023ggplot
DataViz in R | 02. Bar Chart Multiple ResponsesThe second bar chart with multiple response, type 1 simpleApr 22, 2023ggplot
DataViz in R | 01. Bar Chart SimpleKhởi đầu series thử tái tạo lại các biểu đồ trong cuốn sách Data Visualisation with R sử dụng package ggplot2Apr 15, 2023ggplot